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CryptoCloaks Tomb


The CryptoCloaks Tomb is here to keep your Sx6 metal backup plate as discreet as possible. Find a hidden location in a wall, in a closet, even in your safe. Mount the Tomb to the location and place your keys inside. The main purpose of The Tomb is to keep prying eyes that reach your keys from not thinking much more of the unit other than just an ant catcher, or other insect deterrent.

The main purpose of The Tomb is to keep prying eyes that reach your keys from thinking much more of the unit other than just an ant catcher, or other insect deterrent.

The unit can be mounted with 4 screws to any surface you find fit, or you can use double sided tape to secure it.

A Sx6 metal bitcoin seed backup plate is not included with this product and is available as a separate purchase.

  • Mount in a HIDDEN Location. Do not hide under desk, or anywhere else easily accessible!
  • The Tomb comes with 4 screws, but you can purchase new screws from your hardware supply store if you’d like to reach deeper into the surface of mounting.

The Tomb comes with 4 screws, but you can purchase new screws from your hardware supply store if you’d like to reach deeper into the surface of mounting.